How far do you run? How fast ? Gadgets? Yes, no maybe so? What is the one piece of apparel or equipment you can’t live without? Typical training pace? Inspiration? Who is it? What is it? Where is it? Stretching? Foam rollers? Compression socks? Massage ? helpful? How much? What’s your favorite place to run in Sacramento? Ever hated a race? What do you think about when your body says QUIT! NOW? Racing etiquette, what’s your biggest pet peeve? What motivates you more than anything else? Do you have any little sayings you run by? Who is your favorite runner? Where do you line up at the race? What is your favorite brand of running shoes? If you could encourage one other person to be a runner, who would it be and why? We all start somewhere. Where did you start running? Favorite running saying? Caffeine, Shot Blocks, GU gels, Cytomax? Who is your favorite runner? Have you ever lost your cookies after a race? What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen happen in a race? What’s the funniest? Have you ever burst into tears at the finish line? Ipod? No Ipod? What’s your favorite running song? How darn proud are you of the huge increase of women runners these days? Worst running injury? How hard was it not to run? Do you even like running hills? What do you eat before a race? During a race? What’s the best race you’ve ever run and why? What one thing has made you a better runner? Do you sometimes hate running? What is the thought process that gets you out of bed on a cold early morning to go run 10 miles? Best running experience? Worst? How do you make it all work, training time wise? Best advice you’ve ever been given as a runner? Can you drink wine and run the next day? What’s your favorite time of the day to run? What’s it like running through the night? Have you ever been afraid? See any bears? Trail running or road running, what's your favorite ? What is it that pushes you through the wall? How does your spouse or partner deal with all the time you spend running?
What do you love the most about running?
Come find out - This Wednesday Evening
Lucca Restaurant 1615 J Street, Sacramento 916.669.5300
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