Race Prep

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's been an interesting week here preparing for Ironman St. George. A week of uninhibited thought regarding a single day's event. I've noticed the subtle details through the now near effortless visualization of the day...maybe it comes with having experienced one of these things in the past. I go into this race with a now long endurance resume...which wasn't the case at Ironman Arizona in 2007. Before that race I had only completed two races over the 5 hour mark...heading into uncharted territory I knew that I would not only see that 5 hour mark come may way...I knew I'd likely double it, if not triple it!

It's interesting to have experienced the mindset regarding such events...Ironman, 24 solo, 100 milers, Marathons, etc. I remember the day when the thought of completing such events nearly made me sick to my stomach...the thoughts of the pain and agony required to cross the finish line, often dwelling on the negative aspects of the race.

I once heard that man fears what he cannot see and I would have to agree. I would go further to say that man fears what he doesn't know or what he cannot visualize clearly. Not having experienced these things in the past made the thought of ultra-endurance events as a scary endeavor. I could do my best to visualize what was to come through the powers of imagination...but without having experienced the true physical and mental aspects of the day that fear was still present...that visualization was not clear.

It is interesting to look back now. To look back to when I did my first 5k run...or when I did my first mountain bike ride. I remember the intense preparation I put myself through heading into my first spring distance triathlon. To me at the time, that was my Ironman equivalent. So you can see...it's all relative.

In some sense I do miss that nervous anxiety that comes with launching head first into a world of unknown...a world where intense pain is certain. I'm reminded of a quote in the movie Kingdom of Heaven, "but you go to certain death?!", (smiles before responding) "all death is certain." I suppose in a weird sense that is the confidence I now hold regarding the monster that lays ahead. I suppose it all comes with experience. I suppose through this calm visualization of the day ahead I have become surprised with my position...a position I never thought I'd be in...one where I'm actually calm before heading into a race like Ironman. It was then that I knew I should share this.

There will always be longer and tougher races. There will always be immense challenges that will face you in life. But what you must realize is that the fear or inability to visualize what has not happened must not dictate what *can* happen! I was once a person that thought a 13.1 mile run was impossible. I was once a person that thought a Half-Ironman was plain silly! I was once a person that thought riding a mountain bike for 24 hours straight was literally freakin' insane!! ...I was once a person that was afraid....

Set your sights high Team Lucca...and once you get to the top, keep climbing!


Julian Death March - April 10th, 2010

Zoo Zoommmmm 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

After my all night worry of having all forty one of us with Team Lucca possibly out there running in what was forecasted as blustry cold rain, what mother nature gifted us with instead, was from this runners perspective, the most perfect race weather.
I hope you all enjoyed the race as much as I did. I found myself still with camara in hand, taking pictures of the start when the gun went off and thankfully found Dan, who is recovering from injury to give my camara to so that I could jump in and run with the 5k group. I had to laugh when I came up behind a father and son, both rather stocky, both breathing heavily to hear the dad say, "Son, stick to wrestling okay?, this running stuff -not for us".
I had to laugh again when I found myself getting close to the finish running in a group of 6 little munchkins, kids who didn't even reach my waist, and so I thought this is what it has become for me, these here are my running peeps. I sprinted right along with them all, fast as we could go, all the way to the finish line.

We have some incredible runners in our group and here is what I have found result wise thus far.
Out of 620 Runners in the 10K-

Coming in at #35 Andrew Navarette, running a 6:57 mile the whole way and finishing in 43:06
Way to run Andrew!

#37 and right behind Andrew was Dale Giesen, running a 6:58 mile pace and finishing in 43:09

and at #46 place, Andy Schile with a 7:04 pace and finishing in 43:46.

Becky MacBride was first with the ladies at an 8:17 pace and finishing in 51:22 with Cassie and Emily both coming in at an under 9:00 mile pace.

It was sheer joy to welcome our new Team Lucca runner, the awesome, incredible 13 year old Ariel Young.
Ariel came in first in her division and out of the 1300 runners participating in the 5k, Ariel came in 23rd. Amazingly fast and sweet as can be, Ariel is such a wonderful runner and I am so happy to have her as part of our team.

So many of you came in under a 9:00 mile pace in the 5K and again it was a really strong showing of Team Lucca runners out there at Land Park yesterday morning. If I got any of the times wrong or missed anyone, please shoot me an email and let me know. Thank you Joanne, Kara, Jessie and Dan for being out there to cheer the team on.
Get ready for May as we have plenty of races coming up.

Thank you all for being part of this team. I am forever grateful to have such wonderful people to run with.