Dodging Dalmatians

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I had the best week running. Last Wednesday morning on the road by five thirty am for a six mile tempo run with distance coach, Emily Tash and Kaitlin and Pheebs. We watched the sunrise over Sacramento while running up along the C street levy. It was just gorgeous.
Saturday, Kaitlin and I went down to the river to conquer an eight mile long run in staying with our half marathon training agenda. Kaitlin is just an awesome runner. One of those gems that come along every now and then, who take to running heart and soul. Kaitlin led the way and motivated this little old 20 years of running mama to just keep going and going. We both felt like a million bucks afterward.

Monday morning I headed out for a fast two to three mile run, when along came John.

John is a super nice guy in the neighborhood that I see often enough running along with his two Dalmatians. When one of the dogs stopped to do his thing, I said good morning and passed by. Moments later I hear, “Molly’s to your left, Barney’s to your right”. “Now Barneys’ to your right, Molly don’t just stop like that in front of Terri” so we proceeded, dodging Dalmatians while John spoke of his 80 mile running week and me of my 20 miles. Then out of nowhere I find myself, airborne.

What is it with me and my propensity for falling? Sailing parallel to the ground I thought quick enough about the previously broken elbow to twist a leg around and break the fall. Moments later I said goodbye to John and the Dalmatians and hobbled home. Self prognosis -twisted ankle.

So here I sit with a swollen and bruised foot in ice then onto elevation and compression, while I day dream of running again.

I CAN however ride my bike. Last night though was about me and Mother Nature not being on the same page. I thought it didn’t get dark until around nine, she had other plans. I started up the trail at seven o clock for a two hour ride. Rarely do I ride this late so the first thing I noticed was the clouds of bugs. It was like passing through one curtain after the next of little black bugs. I got them in my hair, in my nose, my eyes, my ears and I am certain I swallowed a few. It became too much with the bugs. In order to deal, I came up with a brand new song called, “So many bugs, so little time”. Remind me and I’ll sing it for you sometime. Sorry though it’s not a rap song, more like Ella Fitzgerald.

The first hour flew by though I noticed the sun setting at a rapid pace. I rode until 8:45, the last 20 minutes or so pedaling like a fiend in the dark. I did call Ron to let him know where I was. He was of course, not happy.

When I got home I realized I had on the see thru webby looking bike shorts that you are suppose to wear underneath other cycling shorts, not by themselves. With that I was now so grateful I did ride in the dark. Those shorts along with the elbow pad I wear on my arm and the compression wrap around my ankle brought to mind a song my boys would sing to me when they were little.
It’s to the same music as “Super Freak”

And goes like this - “Super Geek, Super Geek our Mom is super geekeeeee”

Some things never change. Have a great week and keep running!

Coming soon: Information on the very first,
Cowtown Runner’s Smyposium
hosted by Lucca Restaurant, Fleet Feet Sports and New Balance