Springtime Running, What's Next?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Shamrock’n Half is only weeks away and, what’s next you ask?

For those of you who are just starting to run, still building mileage, can’t commit to too many running hours, are super speedy with the short distance or just want to stroll through one of the prettiest courses in Sacramento, plan now for the April 11th, Sacramento Zoo Zoom, a 5 or 10k race and one of my favorite racing events of the whole year.


If you discovered you are on a mileage streak from your recent training and want to keep up the mileage momentum, think about doing the River City Marathon or Half Marathon on April 18th. The marathon is a Boston qualifier and starts at Negro Bar in Folsom then runs all the way down the trail to Discovery Park. Running territory we have traversed before


And finally if you have great affection for our gorgeous, local gem of a trial and want to give back for the many hours you spend out there, consider the American River Parkway Half Marathon, with all proceeds for this race going to the American River Parkway Foundation. This race is on May 1st and I just may run it in spirit and support of with my three little sisters who will all be running a half marathon in Fort Collins, Colorado on that same morning.


So here’s the deal – if you are just starting with Team Lucca as a new runner, plan on the Zoo Zoom. Whether running or walking I am sure you will have a blast. If you would like to do your first half or keep up on the work and miles you have put in recently go to http://www.runnersworld.com and in the middle of the home page is a square box called “Smart Coach”. This will prompt you along to define a very customized training running training program, which will help you achieve your race goal.

And then of course – there is always us. Come join us on Saturday mornings, 8:00 am, up on the levy, past the dog and skate park on 28th street, past the red sign that says “heavy equipment loading” to the parking lot in the back where we meet every Saturday morning for a really great group run.

Do you have to be part of the team? No.

Do you have to be able to keep up with other runners? No, everyone eventually finds themselves going their own pace, knowing that there are runners ahead of you or behind you the whole time.

Do you have to run a certain distance? No. Everyone out there runs according to their own agenda or simply just according to how they feel on that day. Last week some ran 2 miles, some walked 1, others ran up to 12.

Is everyone out there training for a race? No. We have people every week that are there just because they love to run, love the trail, love being around others.

In conclusion, one of my goals in life is to be able to run for the rest of my life. I know my boys laugh when envisioning their mama with her cane and long grey hair, bent over little back, hobbled knees, toothless grin, 90 years old asking, “hey there honey can you take me to the trail? gotta get a run in you know”.

One of my favorite writers for Runners World is Amby Burfoot. He recently wrote an article called “The ten laws of injury prevention” . If you are determined as a runner to making running a part of your life for a long long time, injury prevention is something you have to have some knowledge of.

Great article. Recommend you all read it.

See you on Saturdays.

Group rides will start soon, I promise.

Mamasita and her bicyclette